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The Bible teaches that a child or youth should be taught how to live a full and complete life to the glory of God. (Ps. 78:4-7) The Bible is accepted as the inspired Word of God and the final authority for our life and faith. God has created and sustained everything through His Son, Jesus Christ. The world and life are revelatory of God and glorify Him. (2Tim. 3:16-17) All areas of learning must be taught from a Christian perspective. There is no division of "secular" and "religious" because God is the author of all knowledge and all truth is His truth.
This educational philosophy requires a Christian view of humanity: that humankind was created by God with the unique capacity to know and respond to God personally. However, people by nature and choice cannot glorify God in their natural state. People can do this only by being born again to do God's will, which is the ultimate purpose of life. To be born again, one's faith must be placed in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. (Rom. 10:9-10)
The whole educational process seeks to restore the student to a position of true knowlege and righteousness through Christ. Students must be taught the Bible to understand God, their own nature, and their role as God's image. This provides a foundation for cultivating spiritual discernment under the Lordship of Christ. Each student must be educated as an individual with unique abilities and personality, learning to live with others at home, in the church, or in society. Diversified knowledge, well-developed skills, and Christian values are needed to assist students in finding their role in today's world and equipping them for service and Christ's kingdom. (Prov. 2:1-5)
The authority for such an education comes both from God's command that children be taught to love God and place Him first in their lives, and from the fact that parents are responsible for the total education and training of their children. At the parent's request, the Christian school becomes a partner in providing this education for the children in the family. (Deut. 6:6-7)
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